Summary about Fund

Joint Stock Company "Unified Accumulative Pension Fund" (JSC "UAPF") established on August 22, 2013 based on the State Accumulative Pension Fund (SAPF).


The founder and shareholder of UAPF JSC is the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented by the State Institution Committee for State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Pension assets of UAPF JSC managed by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Council for Pension Assets Management under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


As of January 1, 2025, the staff number of the UAPF JSC counts 1 495 units.

The issued and circulating authorized capital of UAPF JSC is formed from 9,489,248 issued common shares for a total amount of KZT7,114,244 thousand. The par value of one share is 100 tenge. There are no unissued shares in UAPF JSC.

 According to the Charter of UAPF JSC, a simple share gives the Sole Shareholder the right to make decisions submitted for consideration to the Sole Shareholder of UAPF JSC. The Sole Shareholder of UAPF JSC is the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which owns 100% of the shares.


Conclusion of agreements on pension schemes (opening individual pension accounts) through attraction of:

  • mandatory pension contributions
  • compulsory professional pension contributions
  • voluntary pension contributions

Registration of pension payments:

  • according to the established schedule
  • through voluntary pension contributions
  • in connection with leaving for permanent residence outside the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • in connection with the death of the recipient (for burial, inheritance)

Transfer of pension savings from UAPF to an insurance organization under a pension annuity agreement

Providing contributors (recipients) with information from an individual retirement account on the state of their pension savings

Changing the details of the owners of individual retirement accounts (personal and contact information)

Free consultations on the functioning of the funded pension system and investment management of pension assets


Pension payments


Retirement savings


Taxation of pension contributions and payments


Transfer to trust management


Retirement annuity


Pension provision in the EAEU


Sample forms and power of attorney

UAPF mission

Reliable accounting of pension savings and the provision of high-quality pension services available to every contributor


UAPF vision

High-tech financial institution with a personalized approach to the formation and planning of accumulative pension


UAPF values

Human-centered and consumer-oriented

The Fund sees in everyone, first of all, a person with an inherent personality. The interests of UAPF clients are the most important, and the Fund does everything to ensure that its pension services are accessible, understandable, timely and meet the current and future needs of clients.

Commitment to quality

Well-coordinated work of a team of professionals who share the goals and values of the Fund, who comply with the established quality standards.


The Fund uses modern technologies in its activities, the Fund's staff constantly learns and applies new skills and knowledge in order to be ready for the requirements and challenges of the tim


The Fund is aimed at maintaining high standards of corporate governance, carries out its activities strictly within the framework determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The management and employees of the UAPF are responsible to contributors and beneficiaries of pension savings for the continuous improvement of the Fund's activities, economical and rational use of resources.

Transparency and openness

The Fund is open for communication with the public, regularly publishes information on the state of pension savings and its current financial condition in open information sources

Strategic goals and objectives

Personalized approach to the provision of pension services and communications with each participant, taking into account the best world practice

  • Development and modernization of communication channels with contributors and beneficiaries, taking into account their individual needs
  • Development of personal counseling and information
  • Compliance with established quality standards and improvement of the Fund's processes

Effective interaction with the public and UAPF counterparties on the issues of the accumulative pension system and other areas of activity of the UAPF

  • Raising public awareness in the field of pension provision and other areas of activity of the UAPF, as well as strengthening public confidence in the funded pension system and the UAPF
  • Interaction with agents-payers of pension contributions
  • Interaction with government agencies
  • Interaction with other counterparties of the UAPF

Development of proposals and implementation of legislation on the further development of the accumulative pension system of Kazakhstan

  • Formation of an information and statistical base, improvement of actuarial modeling tools for analysis and development of proposals for the areas of further development of the APS
  • Introduction of a new component of the accumulative pension system - the employer's compulsory pension contributions
  • Exercising the functions of the UAPF as the Competent Body under the Agreement on Pension Provision of Workers of the EAEU Member States
  • Improving the parameters and mechanisms for the implementation of pension benefits

2022-2026 Corporate Development strategy of UAPF