Board of Directors and Committees

The Board of Directors is the management body of JSC ENPF, which carries out general management of the Fund's activities. It is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the interests of the Shareholder and contributors (recipients), establishing the principles and standards of the Fund's activities, monitoring the activities of the Fund's Management Board and ensuring that the Fund's activities comply with the goals of its creation. In its activities, the Board of Directors is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter, the Code, this Regulation and other internal documents of the Fund.

Board of directors and committee

Vitaliy A. Tutushkin

Vitaliy A. Tutushkin

Chairman of the Board of Directors of UAPF JSC Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head of the Permanent Representative Office of the National Bank in Almaty

Birth date: 19.12.1976

Citizenship : Republic of Kazakhstan

Viktoriya V. Shegay

Viktoriya V. Shegay

Member of the Board of Directors of UAPF JSC, Director of the Social Security and Social Insurance Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Birth date: 24.01.1981

Citizenship : Republic of Kazakhstan

Askar R. Yelemessov

Askar R. Yelemessov

Member of the Board of Directors – Independent Director, UAPF JSC

Birth date: 17.10.1968

Citizenship : Republic of Kazakhstan

Prasad Bhamre

Prasad Bhamre

Member of the Board of Directors – Independent Director of UAPF JSC

Birth date: 13.08.1968

Citizenship : Canada

Aidar A. Arifkhanov

Aidar A. Arifkhanov

Member of the Board of Directors – Independent Director, UAPF JSC

Birth date: 28.11.1974

Citizenship : Republic of Kazakhstan

Rakhmet Kh. Khairullayev

Rakhmet Kh. Khairullayev

Member of the Board of Directors - Independent Director of UAPF JSC

Birth date: 03.05.1972

Citizenship : Republic of Kazakhstan

Zhanat B. Kurmanov

Zhanat B. Kurmanov

Chairman of the Executive Board of UAPF JSC Member of the Board of Directors of UAPF JSC

Birth date: 22.02.1962

Citizenship : Republic of Kazakhstan


Board of Directors

JSC "UAPF" has formed three committees of the Board of Directors. The Committees of the Board of Directors of the Fund are consulting and advisory bodies that carry out their activities in accordance with the decisions of the Board of Directors and their work plans (if any), approved by the decisions of the Committees.

The main objectives of Strategic Planning Committee are: preparation of proposals, recommendations and conclusions on issues of developing priority areas of the Fund's activities, strategic goals, including issues of developing measures that contribute to increasing the efficiency of the Fund's activities and its sustainable development, as well as improving corporate governance in the Fund by developing proposals based on the results of consideration of issues submitted to meetings of the Strategic Planning Committee.

The main objectives of the of the Audit Committee are : independent, objective assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management systems, internal control and corporate governance in all aspects of the Fund's activities. Control over the independence of external and internal audit. Improvement of corporate governance in the Fund by developing proposals based on the results of consideration of issues presented at the meetings of the Committee.

The main purpose HR, Remuneration and Social Affairs Committee is: development and presentation of recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Fund on the development of priority areas in the field of personnel and remuneration of members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Fund, social issues.

Askar R. Yelemessov – Independent Director, Chairman of the Committee;
Aidar A. Arifkhanov – Independent Director, member of the Committee;
Prasad Bhamre – Independent Director, member of the Committee;
Rakhmet Kh. Khairullayev – Independent Director, member of the Committee.

Rakhmet Kh. Khairullayev – Independent Director, Chairman of the Committee;
Aidar A. Arifkhanov – Independent Director, member of the Committee;
Askar R. Yelemessov – Independent Director, member of the Committee;
Prasad Bhamre – Independent Director, member of the Committee;
Zhanat B. Kurmanov – member of the Board of Directors, member of the Committee.

Prasad Bhamre – Independent Director, Chairman of the Committee;
Aidar A. Arifkhanov – Independent Director, member of the Committee;
Zhanat B. Kurmanov – member of the Board of Directors, member of the Committee;
Victoria V. Shegai – member of the Board of Directors, member of the Committee;
Batyrkhan M. Iralimov – expert, member of the Committee;
Maria Zh. Khadzhieva – expert, member of the Committee;
Bayan Z. Khassenova – expert, member of the Committee (with the right to participate in voting in the absence of Committee member V.V. Shegai);
Aidyn B. Dauletbak – expert, member of the Committee (with the right to participate in voting in the absence of Committee member M.Zh. Khadzhieva.).

Corporate Secretary of the UAPF JSC: Aigul A. Kossakova