Investment income

Accumulated profitability, inflation

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34%56%78%104%113%121%139%169%195%192%227%242%250%264%273%297%359%395%434%495%534%603%681%732%816%979%2%20%32%40%49%60%70%83%99%136%158%174%196%218%237%253%279%330%367%400%427%455%497%547%678%754%827%1998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240%100%200%300%400%500%600%700%800%900%1 000%
Accumulated profitability
Accumulated inflation

The structure of investment income, million tenge

Remunerationfor FIRevaluationof FIRevaluationof financialassets inforeigncurrencyExternalmanagementOther-500 0000500 0001 000 0001 500 0002 000 0002 500 0003 000 0003 500 0004 000 0004 500 0005 000 0005 500 000