Chose branch:
The Unified Accumulative Pension Fund provided 15.8 million services to its contributors for 10 months of 2020. Despite the current epidemiological situation and the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic caused a number of restrictive measures taken this year, the number of services provided increased by 8% or 1.2 million units compared to the same period in 2019.
UAPF JSC informs persons who have reached retirement age (men - 63 years old and older, women -59.5 years old and older - in 2020), who have pension savings in the Fund and have not applied for pension benefits, about the right to receive pension benefits from the UAPF. We especially draw the attention of women who turned 59.5 years old in the expiring year. If they do not apply for the appointment of benefits by the end of the year, then next year they will only be able to do so at 60. As you know, according to the law On Pension Provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the retirement age of women increases by six months every year and in 2027 it will equal the retirement age of men.
The amount of pension accumulations of the UAPF has now exceeded KZT 12.6 trillion. As you know, it includes pension contributions and investment income.
Recall that pension contributions received on individual pension saving accounts (IPSA), which are kept by the UAPF, are invested by the fiduciary manager of pension assets, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in various financial instruments.
UAPF JSC is constantly working to keep their contributors (beneficiaries) informed about the state of their individual pension saving accounts (IPSA).
As of November 1, 2020, pension accumulations in the amount of KZT 12.6 trillion were formed on the accounts of the contributors of the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund. Within the year from 01.11.2019 to 01.11.2020, the amount increased by more than two trillion tenge, or by 20%.
About 200 offices of the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund continue to work in the usual full-time service while observing all sanitary safety measures.
The Unified accumulative pension fund continues active information and explanatory work, telling about the peculiarities of the pension system of Kazakhstan. This time, online lectures for future UAPF contributors, students of higher educational institutions became the format of communication with the population.
As of September 1, 2020, the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund provided 11.8 million services to its contributors. Compared to the same period in 2019, the indicators decreased slightly by 0.9%. At the same time, despite the current epidemiological situation and the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic, in connection with which a number of restrictive measures were taken in order to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus and ensure the safety of workers and the population, UAPF contributors continued to receive services in full.
Recently, the most pressing issue among our contributors is the question of the amount of savings.
Many of our fellow citizens are interested in whether they will be able to claim the withdrawal of part of their pension accumulations from the UAPF?
Since the beginning of 2020, as of September 1, more than KZT 871.9 bln of net investment income has been credited to the accounts of the UAPF contributors, which is KZT443.1 bln more compared to the same period last year. Remind you that for 8 months of 2019, net investment income amounted to KZT 428.8 bln.