Chose branch:
Almaty, Kazakhstan – Total pension savings as of August 1, 2016 were about KZT 6.35 tln. Number of depositors’/recipients’ individual pension accounts (IPA) under all types of contracts was 10.15 mn accounts, including those generated from compulsory pension contributions – 9.7 mn. Number of depositor IPAs from compulsory professional pension contributions was 405 713 accounts, while from voluntary pension contributions – 39 075 accounts.
Almaty, Kazakhstan, July 15, 2016 – Net investment income for the first half of 2016 amounted to KZT 267.21 bn. Compared to the same period last year, investment income almost doubled. We shall remind you that in the first 6 months of 2015 the figure was KZT 141.41 bn.
Number of depositors’/recipients’ individual pension accounts (IPA) under all types of contracts as of July 1 this year was 10.15 mn accounts, including those generated from compulsory pension contributions – 9.7 mn. Number of contracts on compulsory professional pension contributions was equal to 403 362 contracts, and voluntary pension contributions – 39 071 contracts. Savings generated from compulsory pension contributions made the most, 98.6% of all pension savings.
As of June 1, 2016, total pension savings were KZT 6.14 tln. Since the beginning of 2016 net investment income of KZT 208.59 bn has been gained.
Year to date the Fund effected pension payments and transfers to the amount of KZT 85.53 bn, the amount also comprises transfers to insurance companies of KZT 9.06 bn.
Total number of contracts under all types of pension contributions went beyond 10.1 mn contracts, of which contracts on compulsory pension contributions are about 9.7 mn contracts.
Number of depositors of compulsory professional pension contribution amounted to 398 472 people, while number of depositors of voluntary pension contributions was 38 835.
Total contracts under all types of pension contributions have surpassed 10.1 mn contracts, of which the number of contracts on compulsory pension contributions was about 9.7 mn. Number of depositors of compulsory professional pension contributions has made 396 150 contracts, while number of depositors of voluntary pension contributions accounted for 39 183.
Net investment income of KZT 101.02 bn has been obtained since the beginning of 2016. Annual return on UAPF depositors’ pension assets (February 2015 – February 2016) has made 16.7% with inflation rate for the same period of 15.2%. Moreover, since the turn of the year pension payments and transfers to the amount of KZT 46.81 bn have been paid by the Fund, the amount includes transfers to insurance companies of KZT 2.61 bn.